Operation Management
Building Customer Confidence: 3 Tips for Reopening During Corona

As businesses begin to reopen, people are looking to get out and do activities, but still limit their face-to-face interaction. Safety and consumer confidence is key to reopening in this time. Online booking and electronic waivers can help your business make your customers feel safe. Here are three tips for opening and building back customer confidence while reopening during Corona.

Local guidelines and regulations

There’s no one-size-fits-all solution for how to reopen your business during corona. Guidelines vary widely from region to region, so be sure to know what’s expected in your area. Local Tourism boards are a great resource. Also, here is a great document from the Global Association for the Attractions Industry: COVID-19 Reopening Guidance.

Eliminate Paper and Go Digital

Making people feel safe is going to be a priority. Limiting face-to-face interactions and paperwork is going to be key. Luckily, there are many tools to help achieve this. One way is to eliminate on-site paperwork by integrating these processes into your booking system. Guests can fill-out waivers and sign documents before they even arrive, saving time and hassle in a way that makes people feel safe. Learn more about aWaiver and aReservation from Indexic.

Communicate to Put Customers at Ease

Taking measures to comply with guidelines can take a lot of work, but this also creates a great communication opportunity to make your customers feel at ease. be sure to communicate on digital platforms as well as in house. Remind them all considerations have been taken for their safety. These messages don’t have to be scary, remember to use a tone of voice that makes people feel safe.

Here are some good points to remember and consider while developing communication messages:

Why Attractions are Different From Other Mass Gatherings

It is important to remember the difference between attractions and other venues for mass gatherings such as sports arenas, movie theaters, and concerts:

  • Capacity can be reduced/managed to allow for appropriate social distancing.
  • Seating positions in rides and attractions are controlled by employees.
  • Exposure time is limited. Guests generally move throughout their experience, much like in an inter-city district or zone. The guests are not sitting in a single location, elbow-to-elbow, for an extended period.
  • A large percentage of attraction attendance is made up of family members and others who live in the same home and thus do not need to be physically distanced from each other.

All of us at Indexic are wishing you a successful and safe reopening. Please, contact us directly for more tips or product information today.