Pro Tips by Indexic Tour and Rental Booking Software

Improve Sales: 8 Tips to Reduce Shopping Cart Abandonment

Written by Indexic Team | May 20, 2024 10:58:35 PM

The issue is that 70% of online shoppers leave their reservations, as shown in a study by the Baynard Institute.  Shopping Cart Abandonment, known as the act of shoppers leaving before they complete the purchase, is a significant factor contributing to the loss of sales.

Improve Online Sales by Improving Shopping Cart Abandonment Rate

Sending an automated email is proven to increase your conversion rate and decrease the abandoned rate. The caveat here is, that they will increase conversion rates if you smartly do them with a proper framework and within your website user experience.

8 Proven Steps that Will Improve Website Conversion Rate

  1. Send an email: To remind clients with incomplete tour bookings to finish their reservation process. Include a booking link for them to pick up where they left off easily.

  2. Timing: Send emails 30 minutes to 1 hour after cart abandonment.

  3. Personalize the Subject: Use the customer's name and the specific tour for better opening rates. "Jessica, Book Your Fun Whitewater Rafting Trip Now!"

  4. Offer Incentives: Offer customers a discount to motivate them to book, like "Save 15% when you finish booking."

  5. Track Incentive Usage: Create custom incentives to track and monitor the redemption rate and update if needed.

  6. Clear Call to Action: Include a customized booking button that guides the customers, for instance "Complete Your Booking".

  7. Social Proof: Build trust with positive customer reviews and ratings for the products and services offered.

  8. Automate with Tour Management Software: 

    Managing abandoned carts can be time-consuming. Using tour reservation management software like Indexic Tour Software can automate this process. The tour software tools will:

    • Tour management software automates abandoned cart emails.

    • You can personalize emails with customer names and specific tours.

    • Pre-made templates incorporate efficient components for increased reservation rates.

Some booking software may make it harder for customers to complete their purchases, leading to lost customers/sales. Be aware of the following:

  1. Booking software makes the buyer create an account to buy

  2. The software has a slow load time.  This typically happens at peak times or peak seasons because their servers are overloaded.

  3. Booking software that causes you to leave your website and open a new tab to make a reservation.  The buyer becomes concerned and leaves.

    Implementing these proven strategies will not only help increase your conversion rate but also improve sales by winning back lost customers. By sending personalized emails, offering incentives, and showcasing social proof, you can create a seamless and engaging user experience that encourages shoppers to complete their reservations. Utilizing tour management software like Indexic Tour Software can streamline the process and automate abandoned cart emails, saving you time and effort. With clear calls to action and efficient booking processes, you can reduce shopping cart abandonment rates and boost your online sales. Explore more ways to optimize your conversion rate and enhance customer engagement to maximize your business's success.